We are blessed to have you in our corner during this stressful time.
Thank you to all of you that reached out about supporting Flourish Market during the COVID-19 social distancing closure. I hope that you are healthy and feeling well. I really miss seeing your bright faces in the shop!
Here are 2 ways that you can - from the comfort of your own home - support my shop while I finish building out the online sales platform (ready in about a week)!!

The first way to support us is a great jewelry line that we carry -
Lenny and Eva. Their items are modern and fun, with a classic feel. You can order directly from their website lennyandeva.com, the retail prices are shown, add my store information at check out and I'll get credit for your purchase. The designer and owner, Amber Pinkley, will pack your order and send it to you directly.

The second way to support Flourish Market while we are closed is a home decor line called Park Hill Collection. They have an extensive line of furniture, wooden trays and boxes, home accessories, garden items, faux florals, and so much more! This opportunity provides you so much more to choose from than I could ever offer to you in my small shop!
The prices shown are retail. Record what items you want to purchase in an email to me at shop@flourishmarket.com. I will invoice you for the items plus 6.25% sales tax. You will be able to pay remotely and we can arrange a pick-up date or delivery depending on the circumstances at the time.
Thank you for browsing with these vendors! I appreciate them offering this service to you during this difficult time. I'm really looking forward to reopening the store as soon as this is over.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions about ordering from either Lenny and Eva or Park Hill Collection. And stay tuned for the announcement of an all NEW Flourish Market website with an online sales platform.
Stay Safe!
XO Jennifer
